An Easy Puppet To Start With

What type of puppet is easy to start with? That's probably one of the most important questions if you're excited about using a puppet in, for example your classroom. What is the best way to gain your first experiences without having to spend a lot of money for a puppet?

I don't know about you, but I know myself and I know I'm excited about something every week, so who's to say working with the puppet isn't my umpteenth best idea?

In this video, I will answer the question and give you some ideas on how to use the puppet without having to be a great actress.

And to give you an idea of my own process, to show that I'm still fumbling and don't have everything down perfectly, here's this video, the making of...

Being uncomfortable and struggling with new skills (in my case the language) is a part of the process and if you can embrace them, laugh about yourself and be proud that you try it anyway, then you really can start practicing. So, join me and let's struggle together.

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