My Favorite Puppets and Where To Buy Them

What is the best hand puppet for you? That's a question that often comes up.

I was once the founder of the largest hand puppet webshop in the Netherlands and have been purchasing and selling hand puppets to various target groups for 15 years.

This originated from my own experiences with hand puppets. As a teacher, from the moment I graduated, I used a puppet daily in my contact with children, and I knew not only the impact and added value of the puppet, but also that the puppet had to meet certain criteria. The purpose of a puppet used in your work with children is different from the puppet used for, say, a performance or a YouTube video.

My colleagues often asked where to find good puppets, because that was quite challenging; when I started my webshop, the range was limited. Much smaller than now, and that's why I decided to start selling puppets myself. I started with a selection of 20 puppets from one brand and gradually expanded the range and number of brands. When I sold the webshop in 2019, the collection included 750 different hand puppets.

All newcomers to collections were tested by myself, using a number of criteria. I found the choice of material important, the appearance of the puppet had to be good, the puppet had to play well, the price-quality ratio of the puppet had to be balanced, and the puppet had to add something to the collection. I knew the strengths and weaknesses of each puppet, and knew what the best purchases were in each category.

I am no longer a puppet seller, and I am not paid by any brand. My role has evolved into that of an independent expert, drawing on extensive experience to help you choose the puppet that suits you and your purpose



How do you recognize your best hand puppet? After years in the puppet sales, I have learned that there isn't one "best" hand puppet, but rather a puppet that best suits you, bringing more joy than others.

It's about the connection you feel, an attraction to a particular puppet despite all logical reasons to consider others. It's similar to falling in love with a dress that isn't in your usual color palette or style—you're drawn to it, even if it might not seem like the practical choice.

With puppets, it's the same. Your rational mind may offer one perspective, but your heart knows what it wants. If you've ever been torn between logic and emotion, you'll understand. My best advice? Follow your heart; it knows which puppet is meant for you.

In this part of this toolkit, I share my must-have puppets with you. Puppets that are worth it, that are easily playable and I would buy myself. 

I usually use links to Amazon, because Amazon is available to many of us, or direct links to resellers or producers. All the links I share are affiliate links. I earn a few cents on every item I show you, but I only share what I would also buy myself.

This is a growth section, so keep coming back for new links.

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