What Does a Puppet Have That You Don't?

"What Does This Puppet Have That I Don't?" was the question I asked myself 30 years ago as I watched in amazement how children confided so much in my puppet. Within fifteen minutes, my puppet knew more than I did, and it hardly had to make an effort.

The puppet had something I didn't—that much was clear. But how could I use the natural power it seemed to possess? What made the puppet so special to the children, and what exactly was the difference between it and me?

I quickly realized that when the puppet did the same things as I did, the children lost interest. Even the children I thought would always be responsive to the puppet because they reacted so well initially. When I asked them, these children said they didn’t find the puppet as appealing anymore. I decided to let my puppet talk to them about this because something in their eyes changed when they spoke about the puppet.

I did this because my primary goal in using a puppet was about 'more contact'—about hearing what really occupied children's minds and what else lived inside them that they wouldn’t tell me because I am an adult. I have always been very aware that children do not tell adults everything, because I was once that kind of child. Adults weren't always trustworthy, might have ulterior motives, and could attach consequences to what you say. I learned this at a young age, and that was also why I wanted to lower the barrier with the help of a puppet.

In this free course, consisting of eight short videos, I share what I’ve discovered about the puppet, what children have confided in my puppets, and how you can benefit from this knowledge.

What Does a Puppet Have That You Don't? is designed for parents, educators, teachers, group leaders, caregivers, and anyone else who wants to support children and provide a safe haven. It’s for anyone with a heart for children looking for an innovative, playful, and engaging way to connect with children on a different level.

Join me in my world where a hand puppet can grow to be your assistant, lowering barriers and enhancing participation. Curious? Click 'Enroll' and start the course immediately.

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